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"They" want to take your brain! |
Howdy friends and neighbors of the hills!
SHIVER!!!!! Do y'all feel that chill in the air? Well, it certainly ain't due to the weather we've been having!
No folks, that is the icy breeze flowing off the cold shoulders of the out of town carpetbaggers who want to bulldoze our beloved Montebello Hills!
You see folks, while I was away, the City of Montebello released the Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (RDEIR) for the Montebello Hills Specific Plan (MHSP). Try saying that three times fast!
The original Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was released waaaaaaay back in 2009 and the public was given 45 days to comment. The deadline was extended after folks complained this wasn't enough time to read and write comments, especially since there were so many problems just getting a copy of the dang document in the first place! Y'all can read about that fiasco here.
Well, folks weren't intimidated by the size of the original DEIR and the city received 84 written comments. After this pummeling, the beast "slithered away" for 5 years and everyone started to wonder if this bad idea had died in it's lair but, like all good horror movie plots, the beast didn't die, it just sorta "hibernated" until it was time to be resurrected.
This "recirculated" version jolted back to life on September 12, 2014 and unfortunately, not only is it just as monstrous as it's mama, it's worse! This time-sucker has even more appendices and convoluted "updates" than the original document! Once again, the public was given only 45 days starting September 12 until October 27 at 5:00 p.m. to get a handle on this ginormous behemoth and submit their written comments.
So, once again, the ordinary townsfolk of Montebello put together a polite letter asking the Montebello City Council to please extend the deadline to submit comments another 15 days.
Now that don't sound like too much to ask, does it?
Well, it seems the forces of darkness think so because the rumor in town is that supporters of the project will be descending upon city hall tonight to OPPOSE this extension!!!!! Worse yet, one of our councilmembers told the Whittier Daily News "he won’t support a time extension because it isn’t needed and won’t help."
That just ruffles my feathers! I reckon some people would rather let someone else do their thinking for them!
The Montebello City Council will be deciding the fate of the time extension at tonight's council meeting.
Montebello City Council Meeting
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
6:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers
1600 West Beverly Boulevard
Montebello, CA 90640
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
6:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers
1600 West Beverly Boulevard
Montebello, CA 90640
My fellow Montebelloans, rise up and defend your right to think for yourselves! Don't let the corporate zombies steal your brains or your voice!
Daisy Mae
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